Wisdom Wednesday’s #3: Living Without a Plan

September 9, 2015

How many times in our lives do we plan ahead for things? We plan because we are controlling, or just want to make sure we have a back up plan if things don’t work out. It’s fear that causes this. We are afraid of the unknown or what might happen. We think we have the perfect life all planned out, day in and day out, of how it should look like.

But sometimes the best things that happen can be something we don’t plan for. It oftentimes can be something that changes our life for the better because it was the unexpected turned into something wonderful.

In my life, I’ve noticed how the things I’ve planned for the most were oftentimes the ones that didn’t get me excited as I thought they would. I wasted too much time planning ahead or thinking how they would work out, that I didn’t allow myself to enjoy it as much as I should have…stupid expectations and plans, they robbed me of the thrill of the unknown.

Rarely do we formulate a plan and then it proceeds to execute flawlessly.

Then I realized, the things that I had no clue were going to happen, or was something I didn’t have on the radar, turned out to be the MOST AMAZING THING EVER! I love surprises, I love having new things come into my life and those beautiful surprises were because I didn’t have a plan, I allowed myself to just, “go with the flow”.

Not having a plan only adds to the adventure of life. Live for the unexpected and see what the future holds for you. Sometimes the best things in life are what you never dreamed of. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, and see what happens. You may be surprised by what amazing things life has in store for you.


  1. Comment by Tiffany

    Tiffany September 9, 2015 at 9:42 am

    Something I need to do more of! Live and let be. Thank you for the perspective today <3

  2. Comment by Alicia Wiley

    Alicia Wiley September 9, 2015 at 9:54 am

    Great post!

  3. Comment by Amanda

    Amanda September 9, 2015 at 2:20 pm

    I’m in the same place of my life! Great post, thanks for sharing :D!

  4. Comment by Michele

    Michele September 9, 2015 at 2:32 pm

    I try to go with the flow as much as possible. It’s the unplanned things that make life interesting.

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