Motivational Monday: Who motivates you?

September 7, 2015

So last week my friend Maria, who is starting her own business – Hidden Fire Media -, messaged me and said that she made a list of 5 people who motivate her. She said that I was one of 5 people that motivated her and inspired her to pursue her dreams of staring her own business. I was beyond honored!! I see myself as just a normal girl who’s following her dreams one day at a time, one wedding at a time and one client at a time, called to pursue what motivates me. Well, she sees that in me. It made me think: how many other people see that and are motivated as well to go after what they love?

Honestly, there’s always someone who motivates you, whether you realize it or not, whether that person knows it or not, they are helping you attain your goals. So after I got Maria’s message, I thought to myself, “Who motivates me? Who makes me go after what I love?”

And so, I sat down and looked at the people around me and who I’m surrounded by.

It may not be a lot of people but even a small amount can give you the energy, the spark to go and do what you love

5 people who motivate me:

Rebekah Viola – a young, married women who is passionate about what she does. Her photography business is thriving but even in the midst of the craziness she still finds time to relax, have fun, and explore places with her hubby. She inspires me to go after what I love but still find time to be who I am and relax and enjoy life. You should definitely check out her work! She does beautiful work and has a style that is so unique.

Elizabeth Baxter – again, another fellow photographer who I look up to and who motivates me to reach the highest goals I can possibly dream of for my business. From the first time I saw her work when my brother chose her to be his wedding photographer, I knew there was something about her, not just her work but as a person. To this day, she is the one photographer who I follow who pops up consistently on my FB newsfeed, who’s work motivates me to keep doing what I do. Her pictures are romantic and beautiful, crisp and clean; what I hope one day my work reflects.
Even during the midst of the craziness of running her own business she still is able to find time for her family. She comes from a big family – which I can totally relate to – and if you check out her Instagram account you will see how much her Instagram photos are of her adorable family. That to me is motivating! It’s about finding that balance.

My Mom – how could I NOT add her to the list !! She is the perfect model for strength, motherhood, friendship, and consistent temperament. There’s always that ONE person who will always be the one who motivates, strengthens and uplifts you, that person in my life is my mom. She motivates me to become more holy everyday, to be the person everyone loves to be around and who everyone goes to for advice or just to talk to. I see how she is around her friends and yes, even mine; they all just seem to flock to her. She has something about her that makes people want to open up to and talk to her. There are so many good traits in her that one day I hope to attain!

St Therese – again I mention her because she is just so darn amazing! Every book I read about her, every quote I read, she motivates me to become more and more like her. It’s in her simpleness, her kindness, her quiet disposition in doing every task that she ever did, whether it be one that she loved to do, or one that just really really grinned on her nerves. If you were too look at her life from the outside she would look like just a normal human being, no one amazing, or saint worthy, but it was how she effected others around her, how she loved simply and it was what she left behind after she died that makes her who she is. I long to become more like that. To not live life for me and what I can get from life, but what I can do for others, how I can strengthen them by just being me.

A Close Friend

I have a dear friend in my life who is ALWAYS there inspiring me, uplifting me, motivating me, and reminding me that I can do anything. Sometimes I find myself getting worried or nervous about an upcoming session or something in my life that I’ve been thinking about, and I know the first person I want to go to is him. He lets me know that if its fear of not knowing if I’ll do a good job or that I won’t be able to do it, that I then NEED TO DO IT! He’s always telling me that fear is something to overcome and that what’s on the other side of that fear is so worth it. He motivates me to be more positive and confident in life. Seriously, having a friend like him is so priceless!

Who motivates and inspires you? Fellow photographers? Small business owners? People who you see day in and day out? Make a list of 5 people and ask yourself why.

kate ❤︎


  1. Comment by ashton

    ashton September 7, 2015 at 4:01 pm

    It’s so funny, but I find more and more every day that the people I MENTOR inspire me more than those I’ve been mentored by. Not that I’m not inspired by such amazing photographers, but nothing drives me more than seeing the same passion burning in another growing artist. <3

  2. Comment by Karen

    Karen September 14, 2015 at 9:30 am

    Ugh I love your writings, this is great. Now I’m trying to think of who inspires me lol. Oh and my moms the same way with others everyone flocks to her too, I’m more like my dad though ?. She does inspire me in my marriage, to have the house clean, to have food ready for him, wifey stuff ?

    • Comment by Kate

      Kate September 14, 2015 at 9:38 am

      Thanks! 🙂 It definitely is hard really knowing who inspires you and motivates you, but sometimes it is the people that you are always surrounded by that motivate you the most 😉

  3. Comment by Emily

    Emily September 14, 2015 at 9:52 am

    Love it! I may pick up this and figure out who my top 5 are too!

  4. Comment by candi

    candi September 14, 2015 at 10:18 am

    Such a great poster! I am blessed to have so many inspirational people in my life!

  5. Comment by Molly

    Molly September 14, 2015 at 3:34 pm

    It is so important to recognize who are you thankful for in your life! With these people it helps you keep going. Awesome

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